Saturday, April 16, 2011

New York, New York to DC, DC

Arrived in New York at 8 30 and the city is just alive, it really is unbelievable how much that city is moving all the time. So walked from Penn station to Grand central just to find out that my bus was not leaving from there. On the way I saw what looked like an Amazing Indian buffet, I was hungry and planning on going back for it but the bus station, Port Authority, was pretty far away from it.
Got screwed over a bit with my bus pass, but oh well, what are you going to do. I bought that and went back for a walk. I just don't know what to do in New York. It's overwhelming when you don't have plans, so being in CS I popped a squat in Time Square after for a while and used their free wireless service to go online. Good experience. Overall enjoyable, but was happy to leave after 5 hours.

Now. The bus ride leaving New York at 130 AM and Arriving at 5:55 AM. Awful experience. Made me consider completely abandoning the premise of my trip. It was full, and full of sketchy people. And the bus station at 1 am is sketchy on it's own. I was happy to sleep through the majority of it until everyone in the bus started yelling. The driver went the wrong way, missed out turn off, started heading to Baltimore. COME ON. So the passengers are guiding him, it's hopeless. We finally arrive in Washington, an hour late, but we aren't done yet.
Apon arrival a police officer boards the bus and says "I do declare there has been a robbery on this bus I do declare"(paraphrased). He went on to say that no one would leave the bus until it was sorted out. Everyone pretty much knew who it was, sketchy women next to the guy in the front seat, stole all his stuff when he went to the bathroom. So she is removed from the bus, they find his money but not his credit card. I wasn't going to report this because I know mother will be freaking out but two things need to be said: I have now been told 3 times that the East is the worst place for bussing, and nothing at all has gone wrong on the other two trips. All will be good.

Now Washington was cool. I did a lot of walking, saw all that was to be seen and then left on the bus for Richmond and then Raleigh. Raleigh is beautiful, I love it, but I didn't get to go out and see much, I hit the bed, took off the clothes I had been wearing for the day and just collapsed. They actually had one of the hockey games on tv, which was surprising yet fantastic. I'll post pictures later, the Wifi I am stealing is no where near powerful enough to process it. I leave Raleigh for Nashville in about an hour where I will arrive late and then stay for the hockey game.

Best of luck.


  1. So the moral of the story: if you are going to nick someone's stuff when he goes to the slasher on a bus, make sure you take his cell phone.

  2. Amazing that she got caught, stuck on a bus with the victim. No one could have seen that coming.
