Monday, April 18, 2011

Nashville Tenn, you've done good (Day one, Night 2)

After a fantastic stay in the hostel only interrupted by the drunk people arriving from downtown at many hours of the night, I woke up fresh to attack Nashville Tennessee. A 30 minute walk downtown brought me to the Bridgestone Arena where I went to pick up my tickets.

But disaster struck.
I don't know why, but it was only on the walk that I thought something fishy was going on. The tickets never did come up on my visa and no confirmation had been sent. I panicked, but tried to convince myself all was good. It wasn't. The man behind the desk confirmed my horrors, my tickets had not been processed and I was without admission to the game.
Luckily it's the Nashville Predators though and they still had tickets available, at the same price too. Sure I wasn't two rows behind the bench, but I was 5 rows from the ice on the penalty box side. Chalk one up for hockey in none hockey markets. And for those wondering, yes I do have confirmation for the other game.
So, tickets in hand I decided it was time to hit up something to eat. I ventured into Nashville's "Most Famous Burger Joint" (not sure who decided that) and ordered a Sandwich.
I then stepped outside to take in Downtown Nashville, what every downtown should be:

Lined side to side with Bars and live music. Fantastic, good for them.
There is also a park in downtown Nashville, or more likely, a "park". It was really just some grass by the river, but I went to see that because I had 5 hours to kill. The river was confusingly flooded. I mean sure it is spring but there isn't that much snow in these parts. Oh well. Also have no idea what that Red thing is. Though, I believe they call it Art.

Next stop was the stadium of the Tennessee Titans

And from the other side of the river you could grab some beautiful pictures from Downtown. The tallest building with the two towers is called the batman building because it resembles the one in the movie. The black one next to it is the R2D2 building for obvious reasions

And with just a bit of time to kill before the game ... well, when in Rome.

I'll do a whole other post for the game itself, off to the airport for now though.


  1. You said there was a picture of you in this set. I am disappointed. That art looks like pieces of old roller coasters. It's kind of cool!

  2. I am now glad that I did not watch the whole of the Nashville game straining my eyes to see if I could id you 2 rows behind the Predators bench.
