Thursday, April 21, 2011

Grand Canyon Day 2

Day two at the Canyon started with a lot of bad luck. Well no, it wasn't luck, it was my shuttle driver down right lying to me about the departure times of the shuttle and the train. I apparently had missed both and was to be snookered for my canyon visit for the day. The plan was to just head home to Flagstaff. But for no apparent reason they were running two trains to the Canyon, and I got there five minutes before boarding. What luck! I got tickets and headed onwards.

The train ride there provides some on ride "entertainment" including a crap guitarist, a crap fiddler, a crap mock train robbery and some crappy facts about random stuff around us. We saw deer though, that was okay.

The train only lets you stay four hours at the canyon because you have to make your connection back. Instead of heading down I decided to seek out the views across. I embarked on a 13 KM hike across the Rim.

This (the light brown running diagonally in the middle of the shot) is the path I walked down yesterday, from a different angle.

Some more scenic shots

It was at this point that some fat woman who had just stepped off a tour bus exclaimed "Wow look at those morons over there". I had no Idea what she was talking about, but I made it my mission to accomplish it. After a 2K walk I realized she was referring to a rock that stretched out over the canyon that people were climbing out on. Game time.

This is me at the point where people were being a moron, but not quite yet being a moron,

Here's a shot I took after of what the point looked like.

And here is what it looked like during
A little closer
Ah there!
And to top it off, one final shot of the whole adventure.

It was awesome, thoroughly enjoyed it, here are some final pics to top off the day. I head to Anaheim tomorrow night for game five of the Preds/Ducks series.

1 comment:

  1. Would look good there if it wasn't for all the morons spoiling the view. Disappointed so far that you have neglected to take photographs of the lacklustre hotels that you have been patronising or even better the receptionists with their cheerful expressions of welcome.
