Sunday, March 13, 2011

One Month From today

The start of the trip is now but a month away. I will be leaving April 13th at 7pm. Currently outside my window someone is insanely revving rgeir engine and I think they are having trouble starting their car. Hopefully this is not some sort of foreshadowing. I have been planning this trip for over a month now, and to my surpriseit has been met with a large number of negative annotations. Here is a pie chart of reactions so far.
But despite you're negative perception of the event to come, I carry on motivated and looking forward to my bus trip. As we stand, it will take just short of four days of actual travel. Giving me 13 days to enjoy the rest of it. Whilst on the bus there is an array of things I will try to take on, but that will follow in another upcoming blog post. 

The reason I don't want to take a train is because with the bus system you can stop in places and spend some time here and there, checking stuff out and the what not. It's exciting, trust me. The train just shoots you from Toronto to Vancouver and then you fly home. Just how much fun would that be, he asked rhetorically.    

I'll prove you all wrong. I will take the bus, and it will be awesome.

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