Well that was five minutes of my life I will never get back. I did get a little chuckle from this though. I mean ... just because she works with a smile she gets her own hut? Hardly seems just. Oh well, enjoy your job and you get your own set up. Lesson learnt.
My immature chuckle aside, I returned to the hostel to recharge the batteries. After two hours I reemerged into great Seattle, in the rain (no Jacket of course, that would just be too damn logical) to hit up the famous Seattle Market (famous in Seattle anyway). Home of the Original Starbucks!
How someone can take such blurry pictures of inanimate objects is a Mystery. Embarrassingly, there is a new Starbucks on the same street that I got to first. I almost took a picture of that Starbucks which would have been very awkward. I am happy I saw the signs of modernity (they had wifi, and new age materials. not something a 1971 building would have)and perceived adversity in finding the new Starbucks.
Also at the Pine street market was a booth where men literally through fish to each other - as if anyone would say that figuratively. I was waiting for my Korean in food, because as they say, when in Rome, and there was some hollering across the way. These men were just chucking massive sword fish and other fishes at each other and shouting. It was quite the spectacle.
I also went to a famous cheese shop and got a Kraft dinner, apparently ranked second in the world for Kraft dinner. Fantastic. I then mopped back to the hostel in the Rain to catch the hockey games. Good day all in all.
Lastly for all my South Park Fans out there: